Tuesday, 27 March 2012

My shining sun

Származási hely: My Coventry
There is a huge green cone in the middle of the city. People don't look at it, they just pass by. To be honest, it's a very unlucky spot for an artwork: in front of an indian restaurant, among cafes and shops. It's always crowded, everyone is in a hurry and has no time to wonder about this vivid colour statue, with its soapy surfaces and beautiful carvings. It's title is: The Thread Through Time. Beside the sun there is a castle, an elephant and a lot of happy people. My favourite is the sun, because it shines so radiant.


Van egy hatalmas zöld kúp a város közepén. Nem nagyon néz rá senki, csak elmennek mellette. Azt hiszem azért, mert elég szerencsétlen helyen van. Egy nagyon forgalmas téren, ahol az emberek csak rohannak, senki nem áll meg, hogy megnézze mi is ez a fura zöld valami és mi van rajta. Pedig gyönyörű a kő színe, selymes a tapintása és fantasztikus szép a faragása. A címe is talányos: Gondolat az időn át. És nem csak nap van rajta, de kastély, elefánt, emberek és mindenféle Coventryvel kapcsolatos dolog. Nekem ez a nap tetszett a legjobban, talán mert olyan szépen szikrázott a napsütésben.


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind me saying, but unlike the first couple of posts, this one was first written in Hungarian, and then translated. You can tell.
If you did it the other way around, you would see how the English language lends itself to word play, deep, meaningful expressions.

Interesting post, though.


Fodor Marcsi said...

You are right - I find really difficult to make the two version as similar as it's possible. And I just realised, that has no meaning. So from now there is two independent text under the picture. I can't express myselt the same way in different languages and I don't have to try it. I have not the same skills and haven't the same thoughts. And my readers are also not the same, with the same background knowledge. :-)

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